Getting Started

About Shorthorns
“The breed that built Australia.”
The Shorthorn breed keeps the oldest breed registry in the world and Shorthorn cattle first arrived in Australia in 1800. In 1825 the first registered Shorthorn cattle arrived in Australia, however by 1890 they accounted for 50% of all temperate cattle and 100% of all cattle in the difficult Northern climate.
Today’s Shorthorn cattle are noted for their excellent maternal abilities, temperament, growth and carcass quality, as well as Net Feed Efficiency.
It is their balanced, multi-trait performance, which allows Shorthorn cattle to influence profitability by improving all the traits of economic importance, not just a few.
For cross breeding, their multi-trait performance and complementarity makes Shorthorns almost unparalleled in their ability to add profit. Shorthorns now form the basis of over 40 breeds worldwide.
Shorthorn breeders are progressive and innovative, forming one of Australia’s first, large scale, breed based, progeny test programs, the Durham Research and Development program, fast tracking genetic gain within the breed.
Shorthorn cattle are in demand today, both as pure bred and cross bred cattle, renowned for their carcass quality and on feed performance and efficiency. Shorthorn cattle suit a wide variety of markets, creating flexibility and premium returns for producers marketing options.
Shorthorn beef has developed an enviable reputation for it’s unique flavour, tenderness, consistency and overall eating quality, receiving tremendous feedback as a unique and high value product from chefs and consumers alike.
For you, Shorthorn cattle are bred to solve problems, not create them, and they have the proven ability to generate ….. a better bottom line!