For more information visit the PCAS Website

The Pasture fed Cattle Assurance System is a Cattle Council initiative designed to provide assured standards for grass fed cattle. Eating quality is underpinned by MSA standards and ensures a minimum eating quality for end users.

The PCAS Standards comprise three modules, one core and two optional, with six standard elements. PCAS certification is linked through a Property Identification Code.

Standard Elements.

  1. Identification and Lifetime traceability.
  2. No confinement for the purpose of intensive feeding.
  3. Pasture fed only.
  4. MSA compliant.

Optional Module 1: + HGP free

  1. Lifetime free from HGP’s

Optional Module 2: + Antibiotic Free.

  1. Lifetime free from antibiotics


Producers must apply for accreditation to PCAS and complete an initial audit as well as an annual audit. It is possible for producers to run accredited and non-accredited cattle on the same PIC providing they meet certain segregation and identification criteria. PCAS producers wishing to supply direct may source cattle outside the PCAS system to feed provided they meet certain criteria including under 10 months of age and 350kgs as well as other key criteria. Cattle may graze cereal crops providing the crops are in the pre grain stage. Cattle may also be fed minerals for health reasons and fed approved supplements, which include Almond Hulls, Canola meal, Lucerne pellets, Cottonseed and Silage from any forage without grain.


The PCAS system underpins grass fed programs and allow processors to provide an independently verified, MSA assured product for consumers.


Producers wishing to know more should go to www.certifiedpasturefed.com.au for more details.